Fuji FRENIC Lift

Over the years, Fuji Electric has collected a well-established know-how of inverters for lift applications. With this focus in mind, we developed a new inverter, specialized in lift applications with all related requirements: FRENIC-Lift. With FRENIC-Lift, Fuji Electric is well established in the lift industry, and is ready and well-prepared for the European lift market. Like all Fuji Electric inverters, FRENIC-Lift offers a big variety and many possibilities - and of course finest Japanese high quality. FRENIC-Lift is an ideal inverter for nowadays market of lift applications.


•    Dedicated inverter for lift applications
•    User friendly
•    Low maintenance: Long-life design
•    Speed control accuracy: + 0.01%
•    Current loop bandwidth: 500 Hz
•    Powerful: 200% of rated current for 10 s
•    4.0 kW to 45 kW (3 ph 400 V supply)
•    5.5 kW to 22 kW (3 ph 200 V supply)
•    2.2 kW (1 ph 200 V supply)
•    TP-G1-ELS (multifunctional keypad, 12 languages available)

Fuji FRENIC Lift
Fuji FRENIC Lift